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Carpet Patching? Let’s start by Texting
# to: (855) 723-3022 (Text only number, on Mobile Hold-down, select ‘Send Message’):
Pictures Of Your Carpet Room(s)
our Name, Address & Phone
Your 1st Available Date & Time and 2nd Available Date & Time.
OR email pictures to ReviveCarpetRepair@Gmail (EMAIL)
We are the leading Carpet Repair & Stretching company, we do over 40 carpet patches per month! We fixed Ripped & Torn Carpeting.

Carpet Patching Near Me FAQ:
Hi, here are some commonly asked questions regarding patching carpet.
How Much is carpet patching near me?
1 area? if so, $200 minimum (lifetime labor guarantee), if you don’t have extra carpet and we need to pull from the closet, we would charge $25 to patch the closet, so total =$225 if and only if you grab a remnant from nearby store as we dont carry them regularly or use them up, Total to you= $225 if you dont have spare carpeting, if you do, its $200, please let us know, cheers!
Where do you get the Donor carpet piece to do the patch with?
If you don’t have left over carpet, we want to make sure that we use carpet that most closely matches your existing carpet, so the best place to get that for the patch is a closet. Because, we know that that carpet matches.
Here is in order where we get the donor carpet from?
In this descending order:
- Matching Remnant– If you have a rolled up piece in your garage, or a doormat that you are using, we know that, that carpet matches the pile, thickness and color as it was delivered from the same stock when you or your install company purchased the carpet.
- A Carpeted Closet or Closets.– We know that this carpet matches and its easier and better to pull from this inconspicuous place to patch the more “public” place in the living room or bedroom, so this is the next best choice.
- Hidden Places– If we cannot take carpet from a closet, we will suggest a hidden place such as under a bed or under a file cabinet, since you or any guests will most likely not notice. If it is a commercial facility, we pull from under a file cabinet or a non travelled non public space or hidden office that’s not used.
- Last Resort– IF ALL OF THESE PLACES FAIL, we must repair that larger room with the smaller room’s carpet, then re-carpet the smaller, cheaper room, so as to save you money.
Where do I get remnant carpet to patch the closet if I don’t have spare carpeting for the carpet patch?
How do I measure to buy enough remnant carpet before I go to the carpet store to get a remnant?
What’s it going to look like after the patch, Can people tell?
The answer is, we don’t exactly know until after and this is for a variety of reasons.
- First, there could be color issues as were taking less walked on carpet from the closet and patching the higher traffic carpet in the room that needs the patch. Also, the sun removes 2-3% of the red in carpet per year, leaving a “green-ish” looking fade, even if its slight. But, Good News, it will look Waaaay better than you currently have…And…it will be structurally sound, even able to take a carept stretch up to 700 ft-lbs of torque, and…we back it up with a lifetime labor guarantee as well, for your protection.
Im renting, will I get my deposit back if I do a carpet patch?
The laws are clear on this, if you do a reasonable job of patching the carpet you damage, you are leaving the carpet in an acceptable form. Not doing anything will open up liability for you as you damaged someone else’s carpeting and you need to provide a remedy for them. A carpet patch is deemed an “acceptable” form of remedy or repair. You DO NOT have to replace the carpeting, ESPECIALLY, if you live there for at least 2 years. As a side note: many rentals have polypropylene carpeting, in which the life expectancy is 3-5 years. Matting and crumpling of that “poly” carpet is common and expected as its made out of coca cola plastic bottle caps.
Reasons to do business with Revive Carpet Repair:
- Guaranteed Power-Stretching (vs. knee-kicked carpet that often fails in 3 years)!
- $1 Million Liability Policy to protect you (which we’ve never had to use before due to superior work performed)
- Top-notch 5 star reviews, did you read them, they are current and accurate from our real customers, check them out!
- 100% Lifetime warranty on our install against seam issues or buckling and wrinkling that occur with other companies because they did NOT use a power-stretcher like we do.
- Our promise to you: If there is any problem with your carpet install, we come back to fix it for free if we caused it
- over 37 Years experience
- Wool Carpet Repair, Cleaning, Stretching & Installation Specialists
- We sell carpet also, click on our Buy Carpet., tell us the make & model and we can stop by and pick up your carpet on the way to you= ONE STOP SHOPPING & INSTALL FOR YOU!
- We teach carpet stretching & installation, so odds on, by installing carpet with us, you’re getting the teacher!